Working Groups

Please refer to the contacts page to contact the appropriate councillor.

Amenity area

This working group is principally responsible for the Playing Field, Burial Ground and Churchyard. Other responsibilities would include ensuring that the parish is generally kept tidy, the appearance of the war memorial, fountain and notice-boards.

Beach and environment

This working group is principally responsible for the beach, all waste and litter matters including dog-fouling, the river, water quality issues, and sewerage issues.


The principal purpose of this Working Group will be to enable at least 3 members of the Parish Councillors to consider planning applications in advance of the monthly meeting. This Working Group should also have responsibility for consultation responses on matters such as affordable housing, for making representations to the Cornwall Council Planning Committee on the Parish Councillor’s behalf, and also for initiatives such as a Parish Design Guide.

Transportation and Rights of Way

This working group is principally responsible for the parish footpaths, but also includes all transport issues including Newquay Airport, road safety, bus issues (including shelters), hedge-trimming of roads in the Parish and gritting.